Re: What are the Thoughts on Cash for Clunkers?

Posted by tjefferson at 3:33pm Aug 5 '09
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This is yet another program based on envy and theft. The money comes from productive, working taxpayers. If it is taken directly, it is government theft backed by threat of force; if it comes from printing more money, it taxes everyone by devaluing the currency; if it is borrowed from foreign nations, it imposes the burden of interest and repayment upon everyone, which increases taxes. "The government" can give nothing: they can only steal and redistribute, which they do to buy votes and foster envy.

It is a net loss in that the money could more efficiently be used by individuals on the free market (which would also "contribute" sales tax). It will lead to an unsustainable bubble that will burst when the funds run out. It is not the job of government to help any business to move inventory, or to bail them out, or to provide them welfare like with this program. For those concerned about pollution and waste, the amount of energy and pollution caused by the manufacture of a new vehicle far outweighs driving an older car for many years.
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