The Presidential Debate

Posted by shyla at 10:46pm Sep 30 '04
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What did you think about it?

I was more than a little disappointed to find that the entire debate centered around every other country but America. There were no issues that were brought about that would build a better America, within America. Was that the way it was scheduled to be? I don't know....

I have to say, I was proud of Kerry's responses. He seemed pretty clear to me on his issues and his answers. I think he cleared up the issue of this 'flip flopping' that everyone talks about with his reply that with knew facts and data, stances are bound to change. I think cleared up his issue for voting for going to war with Iraq. He clearly stated his reasons were because of words President Bush used, but didn't follow. That he would go to war 'as a last resort', when in fact, it was the first thing that he did.

I liked the way he brought up how President Bush is funding an excess amount of money to build new weapons of mass destruction, instead of trying to stop the weapons of mass destruction from being in the wrong hands. And how hyporcitical it is for America to be doing so, when we're saying other countries shouldn't have them.

Also, I loved his words "To be certain, does not mean to be right".

Overall, I think it was an okay debate. Both Senator Kerry and President Bush seemed to respect eachother with their responses, even thought Bush seemed to be getting a teensy bit mad at certain points.

added on 5:52am Oct 1 '04:
*new* not...'knew'
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