
Posted by shyla at 12:25am Oct 14 '08
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What makes you a viable experienced candidate for the U.S. presidency?

I keep hearing that he's not, she's not, they're not...but I have yet to hear any single why's of it all.

How do you become experienced to be President unless you're in your second term?

I go on interviews for serving jobs. They ask me about my experience and I cite off different serving jobs. When I first interviewed to be a server, my experience was none. So I said, none. I have no experience. Sure, I've cooked and served food in my home and with a family of five. I've handled my own personal cash. But none of that made me qualified for the position in which I sought.

So, please don't use being governor with the ability of executive decisions as being an example of the experience you need to to run a country.
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