I'm a Liberal

Posted by blood roses at 9:58am Jun 24 '04
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Because I believe in live and let live when it comes to social issues such as abortion and gay marriage, and because I believe that the government should help create a just society where the poor and rich have equal opportunities, and where nobody starves or dies because they can't afford health care.

As for cynicism... well, my mom is a Conservative who cares about the poor. She is conservative though because she feels the answer is not for the government to redistribute the wealth, the answer is to try to get people involved in charities, to try to get people to help the poor on their own without the government forcing them to do so. So I suppose I'm the cynical one in that respect, because I don't believe it's possible to get enough people to donate and volunteer their time on their own, and so it is necessary for the government to get involved. But I wouldn't consider myself a cynical person in general.

It's true that some liberals can be hypocritical in the respects your mother mentioned, but some conservatives can be hypocritical as well.
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