Liberals and conservatives both have...

Posted by Sir Four at 10:28am Jun 22 '04
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...their optimists and pessimists. I think, however, that it is the liberals who are routinely accused of over-optimism. Conservatives are always looking at us funny for our belief that we can solve the world's problems peacefully, while cutting pollution and bringing people out of poverty. In fact, it does require a hell of a lot of optimism to believe such things are possible, but believe it we must if we are ever going to make it happen.

As for closed-mindedness, yeah, both sides have them, too. But I'm going to have to disagree that open-mindedness is in shorter supply on the liberal side. By their very definition, Bible-belt conservatives are only open to one particular world-view. Liberals, in contrast, have traditionally been divided amongst themselves. It is because the American left has not put up a united front, as the conservatives have, that many believe has allowed for the Republicans to overtake every branch of federal government. Also, liberals in the media are notorious (if that's the right word) for acknowledging points made by conservatives. But when was the last time you heard Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or the rest of them ever say a liberal made a good point? I don't think it has ever happened!
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