The drunk defense fails miserably

Posted by Kromey at 1:50pm Oct 16 '06
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Lawyer: Foley was drunk when he sent all those IMs and e-mail. Foley has always controlled his drinking enough to always be completely sober during business of Congress.

Fact: Several of the IMs and e-mails were sent while Foley was in fact engaged in business of Congress. Some even reference that fact explicitly, things like "we're in the middle of a vote" and "this speech is drowning on so long and i miss you terribly". (Note: These are not direct quotes but paraphrases.)

Conclusion: So if he in fact kept his drinking off the Congressional floor, then he could not have been drunk for all the IMs and e-mails he sent. Or if he was in fact drunk for all the IMs and e-mails then he was in fact drunk on the Congressional floor. Either way, however, his behavior all around is irreprehensible, and the Republican leadership also must face consequences for covering up the whole thing.
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