Is Mark Foley an ephebophile?

Posted by Bruised at 10:22pm Oct 15 '06
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In the summer of either 2002 of 2003, people are trying to recall which, Mark Foley visited the page dormitory, after the 10 p.m. curfew for the dorm. He was called away by security guards, and was drunk at the time.

On October 2, 2006, Foley's lawyer said, "Mark Foley has never, ever had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor in his life". Rather, his lawyer said, what he wrote in his emails and IM's was the result of a heretofore unknown alcohol problem (although given the dorm incident, I wonder how unknown his alcoholism really was). Foley, his lawyer averred, was drunk at the time.

Foley's lawyer has also said that the congressman was in fact gay. But earlier, when people were responding to the broken news with speculations that he was really gay, Foley denied the allegations as "revolting and unforgivable". Now he wants his lawyer to use his homosexuality as a defense, hmmmmmmmm.

So what's the verdict? Is Foley a gay ephebophile? Or just a drunkard?
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