I had this problem with L4D

Posted by Kromey at 1:31pm Nov 22 '10
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Well, maybe slightly different symptoms -- I'd get just past the intro movie, and the whole computer would lock up for several minutes (not even the magic 3-finger salute would do anything at all) before eventually crashing to the desktop. Same deal: No errors, no warnings, and no matter how many times I verified the game's integrity no resolution.

I eventually figured out that it was my firewall -- at that time I was running ZoneAlarm, and it was wanting to ask me if it was okay to let L4D connect to the internet, but ZoneAlarm and L4D apparently disagreed on who had priority to the UI and the argument locked up the whole system. I was able to go into ZoneAlarm's settings and tell it to trust L4D, and the problem was solved.

Maybe you have a firewall that's trying to ask you a similar question? (The default Win7 firewall doesn't do this, I don't think...)
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