i know hetero people who use it to describe themselves. not my thing, personally, but they do it a) to show solidarity [like being an ally] and/or b) to show that hetero is just as weird/normal as anything else.
they do this with the full support of the LGBTQAAetc community around them. and i know quite a few non-hetero people who use it to describe themselves (sometimes exclusively, sometimes as an alternate to gay or lesbian or trans or whatnot).
and, as an aside, i have no idea what sort of LGBTQAetc communities you're familiar with, but the circles i run in are very, very open-minded and non-judgmental.
i must admit, i found you more closed-minded than i expected - is that a reaction? the views i've heard you express towards monogamous couples and anyone with a desire to marry are on par with some of the fundies' outpouring. just curious about that, since we never really got any time to talk about that, and i've wondered.