W/ North Korea in the news, it bears consideration

Senate Testimony of Ms. Soon Ok Lee
North Korean defector testifies to the horrors of North Korea's concentration camps. Not for the squeamish. senate.gov
Posted by Sir Four at 9:33am Apr 15 '13
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Linked is the testimony of former North Korean party official Ms. Soon Ok Lee on June 21, 2002. Accused of embezzlement, she experienced first-hand conditions that can only be compared to concentration camps.

She summarizes,

"A prisoner has no right to talk, laugh, sing or look in a mirror. Prisoners must kneel down on the ground and keep their heads down deeply whenever called by a guard, they can say nothing except to answer questions asked. Women prisoners' babies are killed on delivery. Prisoners have to work as slaves for 18 hours daily. Repeated failure to meet the work quotas means a week's time in a punishment cell. A prisoner must give up her human worth. When I was released, some 6,000 prisoners, both men and women, were crying and pleading with me in their hearts to let the outside world know of their suffering. How can I ever forget their eyes, the eyes of the tailless beasts?"

Some of the details in her full testimony are very disturbing...just a warning.

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