Oops, just re-read your post

Posted by Kromey at 3:37pm Dec 9 '11
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I misunderstood your post, but that's okay because you misunderstood mine and the article I was posting about.

I don't think anyone anywhere has found or brought forth evidence to say that inflating gun sales was the motivation for F&F. Rather, we're pointing out that we now have evidence saying that the ATF was going to use the sales that they ordered to happen to justify a power grab.

It would be like the DEA selling drugs on the street, then pointing to those sales and saying, "Look how many drugs are being sold! Give us more money!" That's not the way it works -- if you're doing the opposite of your job, that is not a justification for you to expand the powers of the job you're not even doing in the first place!

If you were hired by a retail store to run the cash register, and instead of taking customers' money you were paying customers, could you then use that to ask for a raise? No? Then why does the ATF think they can?
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