Oy vey *rolls eyes*

Posted by Kromey at 2:51pm Dec 9 '11
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In yet another stunning move that once again proves that gun control politicians have a tenuous (at best) grip on reality, a Democratic Congressman attempts to blame the NRA and other 2nd Amendment activists for the DoJ/ATF Fast & Furious scandal:
Georgia Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson accused the tea party movement and the National Rifle Association of creating an "manufactured" controversy over Operation Fast and Furious Thursday.

Johnson's comments came during an interview with The Daily Caller outside the House Judiciary Committee hearing room. Attorney General Eric Holder was testifying before the committee about Fast and Furious -- a Justice Department program where Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents facilitated the sale of about 2,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels.

"I think this is another manufactured controversy by the second amendment, NRA Republican tea party movement," Johnson said.
It's even more stunning when you realize this isn't just the insane blatherings of one moron (this, by the way, is the same lunatic who was worried that the island of Guam might capsize -- and liberals want to question the sanity and intelligence of Republicans???), but rather that this is becoming a talking point of panicked Democrats frantically trying to make excuses for such an obvious abuse of power and invent new reasons for gun control -- Alan Colmes and the Washington Post are on the growing list of delusional crackpots who think this DoJ/ATF cock-up is the NRA's fault, and that the appropriate response to this isn't to demand that the ATF do their fucking job in the first place, but rather to enact new gun control measures and give the fantastically inept ATF more power!
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