I read about that a while ago

Posted by Kromey at 12:54pm Nov 18 '11
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There's also the Amazon App Store on Android, which I bloody love because Amazon gives away a paid app for free every day -- and sometimes it's a good one even!

It's just yet another case of Apple pursuing their morally questionable agenda to control everything while simultaneously claiming to be about "freedom" -- not sure where the "freedom" is in only being able to download Apple-approved apps to your iPhone or iPad, which consistently applies inconsistent terms for banning different apps. (Fun fact: Apple banned Sony's e-reader app, citing the fact that you could buy e-books without going through Apple's App Store API and thus giving the greedy fucks their cut; meanwhile, Amazon's Kindle app and the Barnes & Noble Nook app, which do the same thing, remain in the App Store.)

Cue the Apple apologists racing to defend poor little underdog Apple against the "evil corporations" that are all out to destroy it...
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