Apple claims ownership of term "app store"

Posted by Sir Four at 11:58am Nov 18 '11
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They are suing Amazon for use of the term on the Kindle. As part of their complaint, Apple states, "Amazon's use is also likely to lessen the goodwill associated with Apple's APP STORE service and Apple products designed to utilize Apple's APP STORE service by associating Apple's APP STORE service with the inferior qualities of Amazon's service." LOL

"App store" is a completely generic term, as far as I am concerned. I'm certain the abbreviation "app" for "application" predates Apple's usage. So "app store" is a store that sells apps...I can't see how that could be trademarked.

Not that Amazon hasn't filed ridiculous lawsuits against competitors.

These frivolous lawsuits are anti-competitive and harm businesses and innovation.
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