No one's said that that's the case

Posted by Kromey at 7:43pm Oct 4 '11
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In fact, it was explicitly said that there's not enough evidence to make such a comparison at all -- so few campuses allow guns, and have for so short a time, that comparisons either way are invalid.

Besides, in the context of creating laws or policies, you have to justify them -- if it is the case that banning guns has no effect on crime or on safety, then the bans themselves are pointless, and they take away police resources from enforcing the laws that actually do protect people. So if your stance is that carrying guns is "pointless" because doing so has zero effect on crime or safety, you must agree then that it would be better to let law enforcement focus their limited resources on enforcing other laws -- in other words, that's a point against gun bans, not for them!
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