Court strikes down university gun ban

Posted by Kromey at 3:59pm Sep 30 '11
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Citing state law that prohibits anyone but the state itself from regulating guns, an Oregon appeals court has ruled that an Oregon University policy banning guns on campus exceeds the university's authority and is thus invalid.

As a result, anyone with an Oregon-issued or -recognized CCW permit can now carry their concealed weapon with them on Oregon University's campus.

If this ruling is upheld, it would join an almost identical ruling by Utah's Supreme Court in late 2006 in setting a precedent that could quickly overturn the similar university bans all over the nation.

Outside of Utah (and now Oregon), most university and college campuses in the remaining states prohibit firearms entirely, where state law doesn't do it for them (the case in 24 states that otherwise allow concealed carry, and of course Illinois which prohibits carry entirely).

Interesting side note: To date, no campus that permits concealed carry has suffered a mass shooting, nor does any such campus have an increased crime rate as a result. Not that there's (yet) a whole lot to draw data from, though, and thus no conclusion can be reached one way or the other -- but we can say that there's no evidence whatsoever to claim that allowing guns will make campuses any more dangerous.
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