A congressional investigation is warranted

Posted by Sir Four at 9:33am Jun 26 '11
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However, this is not as black and white as you portray. The problem is that the ATF has, for years, been nabbing straw buyers; but these guys are a dime a dozen. They are basically nobodies in the criminal hierarchy, and cartels can recruit new ones endlessly. So, going after the straw buyers has proven to be a futile strategy in controlling gun trafficking.

The Fast and Furious program is still ongoing, and it remains unknown what sort of results it will produce in the end. It will possibly be a total failure. Or, it will help lead authorities to kingpins within the cartels. We don't yet know.

In any case, it's very much a "playing with fire" type operation, and possibly criminally miscalculated, which is why an investigation is needed.
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