Still getting worse

Posted by Kromey at 2:16pm Jun 24 '11
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Nearly 2,000 guns were allowed to "walk" into Mexico with the full knowledge and consent (even if the "smugglers" didn't know it) of the BATFE, the agency who's supposed to be keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals.

2 of those guns turned up at the murder of a US border patrol agent; while neither was the actual murder weapon (which has not been recovered yet), it is entirely possible that a 3rd "Fast and Furious" gun is.

Now 2 more have been found, these used by the criminals who kidnapped, tortured, and murdered Mexico's Atty Gen. (Haven't heard yet if either of these were the actual murder weapon in this case.)

Out of nearly 2,000 weapons, only 4 have since been recovered, all of which from scenes of shootouts and all of them closely involved with murder.

How many more people are going to die as a result of the BATFE's idiotic "Fast and Furious" program?

And who's taking bets on whether or not the Department of Justice's investigation into the program will turn up any involvement from the DoJ, despite being implicated by numerous ATF agents?

And who else thinks a new Firearm Owners Protection Act -- or similar type of legislation -- is needed to again reign in the BATFE and force them to actually do their job?
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