Washington isn't really relevant ...

Posted by Bob Janova at 1:29pm Jun 29 '10
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... since guns were available in the surrounding states, which are trivially easy to get to. I doubt a single D.C. resident who wanted a gun was actually prevented from getting one by that 'ban'. So that would have had no effect because it would have done nothing, regardless of whether an effective ban would be helpful, bad or neither.

The Australian case is more interesting. I don't think there'll be a return to the Wild West or shootouts or anything – to be honest lumping pro gun control people in with that is a bit like saying you must be a religious fundamentalist talk show nutcase because you're conservative and so are they. Obviously that's not going to happen in a functional modern society.

The bizarre disconnect in liberals' heads that somehow gun laws will be obeyed by criminals who blatantly violent every other law absolutely confounds me
If it's harder to obtain one, it's harder to get one for any purpose, good or bad. Criminals aren't a class apart, just looking for laws to break – each extra law they break is an extra way to get caught, so they won't do it if they don't have to.

The trouble with introducing a ban of course is that all the criminals already have the weapons and a stockpile of ammo so it would take a long time to actually start working (probably another reason that you can't say anything about Australia after 10 years).
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