Posted by Kromey at 12:34pm Jun 29 '10
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Oh, how the histrionics of the anti-gunners amuse me!

Remember Florida removing the "duty to retreat"? The anti-gunners proclaimed that it would lead to an increase in crime and shootouts on the streets! Guess what? Never happened.

There is no link between gun ownership and an increase in crime, violent or otherwise. What there is, however, is a statistically significant link between increased gun ownership and decreased crime.

In fact, gun bans have been shown again and again to lead into an increase in crime rates; for data and explanation, see my post on Australia's ban. For a more relevant example of why your unreasonable fear of guns is, well, unreasonable, take a look at Washington, D.C. -- that city's gun ban was overturned by the Heller decision two years ago. The result? Not the bloody shootouts in the street and "wild west" mentalities that the anti-gunners shouted about.

The fact of the matter is that the only link between lawfully owned firearms and crime is that statistically speaking a lawful gun owner is less likely to use his/her gun to commit a crime than someone who illegally owns a firearm. The bizarre disconnect in liberals' heads that somehow gun laws will be obeyed by criminals who blatantly violent every other law absolutely confounds me -- in truth only the law-abiding citizens are affected by them, with the result that victims are disarmed in the face of violent criminals.
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