Israel shoot protest ships in international waters

Posted by Bob Janova at 9:26am May 31 '10
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If you've been paying attention to international news lately you'll know that a coalition of aid groups had set up a flotilla of ships to run Israel's blockade of Gazan waters and deliver aid to the territory. Israel, in their usual light touch diplomatic fashion, stormed the flotilla with the army (before it even reached Palestinian water) and killed at least 10 people.

Happily it looks like the international community is getting sick of Israel and won't just let them get away with this. Hopefully it is the end of them being allowed to throw their (and America's) weight about in the Middle East, though I've said that before.
added on 9:28am May 31 '10:
The title should more accurately read 'shoots people on ...' but that wouldn't fit.
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