There is no justification for this

Posted by Bob Janova at 9:45am Apr 20 '10
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When you have all the legal paperwork that gives one of you the right to deal with the other's affairs in this kind of situation, there is no way that should just be ignored. It doesn't matter whether you're married, civilly unioned or just friends who've made the arrangements, if the article you linked to is accurate then it seems like a straightforward case of failing to follow the legal rules, and the still living man should get all the stuff back and win the case.

However, I must take issue with your line "shit like this is why so many people do not trust governments". Some government officials do bad things, just like some people in all walks of life, but trying to hijack a case where that has happened to make a general anti-government agenda is dirty politics. Several of the 7/7 bombers played cricket in their local league; should I use that to claim that cricket clubs shouldn't be trusted? Of course not.
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