It's not going to work in China.

Posted by C at 12:06am Jan 22 '10
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A Clinton aide separately said she planned to help citizens in other countries, including China, get uncensored access to the Internet

If there's a country's government with more control than China, over their internet, I haven't heard of it.

China will NOT relent. I read a translated article a a few days ago where one of the government 'internet censor engineers' clearly stated that any attempts to lift any sort of censorship will utterly fail and that Chinese government already has protocols in place to assure that they remain in control. I think the Chinese government is perfectly capable of easily maintaining that control too.

I think that unless we're willing to go and invade China and destroy their current internet infrastructure and rebuild it from the ground up, China's censorship policies are not going to change.

And frankly, I feel it's none of our business to try and change it.
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