Chinese Censorship & Hacking, Google to Pull Out

Posted by Sir Four at 11:27am Jan 13 '10
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Google announced it is no longer going to comply with Chinese censorship rules, even if it means China blocks Google from reaching Chinese citizens. Ostensibly Google is making this move after a "cyber attack" from China against Gmail. 20 or so other companies were also attacked, in an effort that seemed to focus on human rights activists, according to Google.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was seeking an explanation from Beijing on the Google case which raised "very serious concerns and questions".

Also, on Jan. 21 Clinton will "unveil a tech policy initiative on 'Internet freedom'." Apparently there's going to be a push-back against censorship in countries including China, Cuba and Iran, though there are no details yet.

A Clinton aide separately said she planned to help citizens in other countries, including China, get uncensored access to the Internet, and last week had met top executives from companies including Google, Microsoft Corp, Twitter and Cisco Systems Inc.

I'm very curious as to what that will involve.
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