I expected this

Posted by Kromey at 5:27pm Sep 18 '09
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...where's your outrage over the many, many more men who are guilty of rape, but never see the inside of a prison cell?

Any time there's any kind of coverage or talk about rape charges that turn out to be fabricated, and people rage about them, someone trots out the "what about those who are guilty" nonsense.

If you truly think that me being upset about one woman's lies dragging innocent men through hell is any kind of statement of sympathy for all those who have actually committed rape, then you seriously need to have your head examined.

What angers me in this case is that the police didn't say "We have suspects", they held press conferences in which they trotted out the photos and all but announced "We got the bastards!" And the media ran with that, labeling them rapists from the moment they were named. "Innocent until proven guilty" has been completely tossed out of our civil discourse, especially in matters of sexual assault, and pointing a finger is as damning as the conviction itself.

That's not the way it's supposed to work.
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