prejudiced terms in daily living

Posted by Sedruce at 6:20pm Jan 13 '09
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Not sure if this is the best board, but I don't wanna put it on Random where it'll get wiped off the first page in half a day. :P

I was thinking about this in the shower this morning and this post reminded me of it...

How many racist/not-PC terms do we use on a daily basis, with or without realizing it?

My ex's mom and I started talking about this once in reference to the term 'gyped'/'gipped'/however you spell it. I never even THOUGHT about it, but when we were talking, I realized it's totally racist. You're saying "I got gypsied" when you say you got gyped. Racist stereotypes against gypsies.

Indian giver is another one, though it seems to have fallen out of common use for the most part (I forgot about the term altogether until [private] used it just now--not to pick on you, hun!).

On the non-racist side, there's using the term gay in a negative way--"that's so gay" referring to something you dislike, i.e. "slow internet is so gay"...calling something retarded is another example.

What other examples can you guys come up with? Do you think these words and phrases are acceptable to say in daily life, or are they prejudiced and wrong to use?
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