Re: I hear you

Posted by tallman at 11:25am Jul 26 '05
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What would you say your more extreme issues are?

I would say I have a more extreme dislike of certain ideologies - communism and socialism in particular. But at the same time, I agree with you that any economic system needs to be a mix of socialism and capitalism. I just favor capitalism more than socialism. On these boards, I tend to take a more libertarian stance than I really believe. So I guess I'm still a moderate in that case:P

Like you, I hold advocacy of individual liberties on a high pedestal (which is part of the reason I don't trust socialism very much). I'm not as extreme when it comes to the environment, though I consistently try to impart the magnitude and scale of the problem in debates, and it probably makes me seem more extreme than I really am.

I have pretty strong beliefs when it comes to war, but it would take me weeks and hudreds of pages to explain the details:P My beliefs on specific aspects of war are more extreme than others.

I think on some issues, my own moderation is a bit extreme. After all the old saying "Everything in moderation" is, in itself, not a very moderate stance:P

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