I hear you

Posted by Sir Four at 10:11am Jul 26 '05
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We've all gotten sucked into the extreme end of things. And perhaps there are some issues which each of us just refuse to compromise on. One thing I notice about myself in my saner moments, though, is the preference for the pragmatic, compromise solution. For example on abortion, it is my belief that the law of the land should grant full abortion rights up until sometime mid-pregnancy, and beyond that the fetus should be treated as a baby with a right to live. On the death penalty, I think it should be outlawed unless a higher threshhold of guilt than "beyond a reasonable doubt" can be proven. On economics, I feel a hearty blend of capitalism and socialism works best. On war, I feel it should only be defensive or an option of last resort.

A few things I'm more extreme on... well, pollution of the environment, and advocacy of individual liberties would be two.

What would you say your more extreme issues are?
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