PC is fried . . . again

Posted by brandied at 3:22am Feb 6 '11
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It won't turn on. I'm aware that it is well past it's life expectancy, but I was hoping to forgo the expense of a new computer for a year or so. Guess I'm not so lucky. It'll still be a few months before I can afford one.

So the point of the thread . . . I'd like to figure out what I want so I can narrow down a definate budget. While I could just bug the crap out of [private] with all my random thoughts and questions (not that I won't), I'd also like to get thoughts and opinions from others.

PC versus Laptop . . . besides being used to a PC, what are the benifits of staying with one over switching to a Laptop?

I don't really "work" from home. However, I do use the computer for random personal paper work things, emails and other not-always-fun-related-but-not-actual-work stuff. I would prefer a Microsoft operating system, not only because I am used to it, but also because it is what I use outside the home (like at work). I also want a computer that can handle WoW because I do want to get back to playing. Aside from WoW, streaming video capability is a huge plus for netflix and such.
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