Looking for some kind of software

Posted by Kromey at 2:06pm Mar 30 '10
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I've decided that I need a semi-organized piece of software for note taking, specifically for the stories I write. I haven't used notes before because they're clumsy - either you end up with one giant file and can't find what you need quickly, or else you end up with so many separate files you can't find what you need quickly. :-P

So, here's specifically what I'm looking for:
1) Word processor. Don't gotta be fancy, something as simple a Notepad is fine, but some basic formatting (bold, italic, headers) would be nice to have.
2) Single document with multiple sections. Like an Excel workbook has tabs to access multiple different worksheets, I want to have a singular document with easy access to multiple different sections.

With something like this, I could have a section for the world's history, a section for current political/economic/social climate, a section for each of my main characters, a section for supporting characters, etc. In this format I could quickly and easily find the section I want while writing.

Anyone know of anything like this?
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