
Posted by C at 2:22am Jan 25 '10
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Oh, I hate fans with that design. They're designed to break, the bearings aren't sealed :-/ and off course it's gonna be proprietary. The reason I suggested air tool oil is because that stuff is made for massive revs. If you'd have used something like WD-40, it'd have gummed up eventually (been there done that) and slowed the fan down and caused your laptop to overheat, that stuff is great for slow moving part such as gates or for spraying a coating to repel water on gears, etc though.

Hair clipper oil is fine enough, basically the same stuff as sewing machine oil and fan bearings don't have enough heat and friction or revs to break it down.

I've got a fan that started going out 5 years ago at age 8 or 9. Put some oil, and haven't needed to touch it since!

If you're worried about the fan's performance, I'd suggest installing SpeedFan. You can use that app to monitor and control the fan speed and monitor temps. That way, you can perhaps tone the max fan speed down from say 6000rpms to 5000rpms to preserve it's life. I think some fan controls are a little too aggressive and needlessly run fans at max rpms too often.

Heh, I'll stop rambling now :-p

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