Re: Way too expensive

Posted by tallman at 11:44am Dec 22 '09
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Oh definitely. I don't think it's something I'd get unless I could really sit down and try it out. It seems to be infamous on the internets though, and it gets raves. I've been trying to find a more moderately priced version that does basically the same thing but doesn't use friggin cherry wood (which I've noticed is obscenely expensive, no matter what kind of furniture you're looking at).

I'm still looking at the anthro desks I mentioned in my response to [private]. Some of that stuff is more cost effective, and the modular design means I can retain my minimalist desires, but expand if I want/need to. Of course, the configurator is impossible to use and it looks like some of the parts in their example desks are sold out/unavailable, which is also annoying.

I'm not really looking for fancy, but it does need to look reasonably nice, as it's going in my main room. Ten years ago, as a poor college student, I could get away with this particleboard crap. It might be worth going for something a little nicer...

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