Need New Computer Desk

Posted by tallman at 2:54am Dec 22 '09
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Dear 4k,

I have recently come into possession of a second LCD monitor, and will be hooking it up to do some dual monitor awesomeness (amazingly enough, I don't think I need to upgrade my graphics card - it's a christmas miracle). The problem there is that my desk is one of those crappy turn of the century numbers that assumes you only have one monitor and thus doesn't have space for the second. Thus I am provided with a convenient excuse to replace my desk (which probably should have been replaced like 5 years ago, but I digress).

So I need a desk that can suitably deal with:

-Two monitors
-Keyboard/mouse (preferably in pullout thingy)
-Cable Modem and Router
-Desktop tower computer (needs ventilation, putting it on floor or on separate little cart or something is probably fine)
-My tv is to the left of the desk, and I like to be able to turn my head to watch whilst screwing around on my computer.

Currently, I keep a shitload of cds, books, documents, etc... stored in or on the desk, but I don't actually need that sort of storage to be part of the desk proper.

I tend to be a bit of a minimalist. The best desk I've found so far seems to be the D2 Pocket Desk:

The problem, of course, is that it's obscenely expensive (actually, just noticed, it's on sale at around $1k, which is still a bit pricey, though better than $1500!), but it hits everything I need. It's got a nice space on top. You can't see it, but apparently there's a nice compartment in back for hiding cords and whatnot, which is cool considering the wide open area underneath. But I'm a little wary of buying that one sight unseen. Especially given the price.

Something cheaper would be better. Crate & Barrel had a nice one for like $400, but it had a glass top, which I found annoying.

I vaguely remember an old ikea desk called the Jerker, but they don't make it anymore and the replacement looks like a lame imitation. And I wasn't in love with the Jerker anyway. However, for my bedroom, I did buy one of those generic Ikea tables and made it work as a desk. But it's also kinda tucked into the corner of my room - the new desk needs to be in the middle of my living room, so it needs to look more presentable...

So.... any ideas? What do you use?



added on 2:54am Dec 22 '09:
D'oh. Signed off twice. That's what I get for posting at 3 am.
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