I Just Murdered My Desktop.

Posted by Chewbacca at 7:12pm Sep 9 '09
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Seriously. I'm fucking becoming computer-retarded and it's bothering me and now I fucked it up to the point I have to spend money to fix it, if I want more than a NETBOOK. I can't get any shit to work for me lately.

My CD-ROM on my desktop wasn't working and I forgot why. I want to burn a Windows 7 CD because I just got a fully licensed ISO through a MS employee-friend. Open 'er up. Oh, there's no IDE cable attached, duh. I'll just slave it on to my HDD IDE (was this my fatal flaw?). Hmm not working, OK, I'll just go buy another IDE cable tomorrow for my CD-ROM (why I removed it before I have no idea, this computer is 5 years old and I haven't used it for the past 18 months). OK, so I'll re-slave my backup HDD and boot up.

Re-config it back to the way I thought it was and it boots once with lights and the fan kicking in for 1/2 of a second then dying. No response at all. OK, I'll do a hard reboot (unplug plug back in). SMOKE. FUCKING SMOKE. The CPU fan spun for 1/2 a second and SMOKE came from somewhere. I can't tell where. I'm assuming the PSU?

I do remember I've fucking replaced that god damn PSU twice before already. FUCK. Shitty icing on top of a shit-filled kind of shitty day.
added on 7:17pm Sep 9 '09:
Additional note: Now, a green LED on the motherboard lights up, and the fan does a piss-poor attempt at turning if I do a hard-reboot of it. Otherwise, no response at all, no noise, beeps, blinks, or blips.
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