Posted by Chewbacca at 7:31pm Aug 24 '09
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I actually fixed it! Or at least, recovered the valuables which is more important right now than fixing the $270 netbook. I am currently "restoring" my netbook, so it should work unless the entire HDD itself is failing (I am hoping I did something). Why is this so surprising? I haven't been tinkering with computers in years and this required me taking apart my netbook (I have never gutted a laptop) and failing at 4 fix approaches/attempts but going for just one more try. I honestly had almost entirely given up hope.

I now have my photos from the past year back, which has been an incredible (and busy) year, to put it lightly. These photos are priceless to me. (Deployed to Afghanistan, backpacked Taiwan and Australia, and biked across Europe!!!!!!!!!!)

Props to...

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery


a SATA-to-USB port.

Total cost? $20 for the SATA reader + ~15 hours of personal labour.
added on 7:32pm Aug 24 '09:
and a reminder to everyone.. BACK UP YOUR SH*T!

Typically I double back-up. External HDD + CD-ROM's. I send the CD-ROM's to my parents house.
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