Building a Computer

Posted by Sedruce at 1:24am Mar 21 '07
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Okay, so after my 2.5 year old computer had a false scare of a hard drive being DEAD, I think it's time to upgrade to a nice desktop. I want to build it. More specifically, I want to work with my brother to build it (I'm not much of a computer geek in terms of hardware, I don't know what specs I need nor how to put things together or anything of the sort).

I'm sure he'll have plenty to say on the matter in terms of what specs I'll need (the most advanced I get in terms of gaming is Age of Empires or Neverwinter Nights, so it doesn't have to be superb), and where to get things from, and yadda yadda. But I want to be better informed than just getting all my info from someone who's very well informed (and I do trust him--I just want to be involved in this too).

Where would you suggest I look to buy parts?
What kinds of tips would you have?
Anywhere you can recommend, internet sites or Complete Idiot's Guide book or such, to look for info for a first-time computer builder?
Brands I should use and brands I should avoid?
Random bits of information [private] and/or I would overlook or little tips of the trade that could be beneficial to me?
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