
Posted by Trogdor at 11:05pm Mar 20 '04
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i've had some experience with Linux before but i am a windows person too so i'll try and KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

First things first, Linux is not an OS. Linux is the kernal (brain).
To use Linux you need a flavour of Linux, often called a Distro.
Some Distro's are Debian, Redhat and Suse to name a few.

Linux IS free. Certain Distro's though aren't. I suggest Redhat for absolute begginers.
To get a taste of Linux without actually installing it, try using Knoppix.

RedHat's installer is perfect for begginers, it'll partition your drive automatically and the way RedHat seems to find all your device drivers makes it smooth.

Personally i use Debian Linux, its a really powerful, easy to modify system but definitly not for begginers.

I hope this helps you in your Linux adventures
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