Linux... the intelligent choice

Posted by zincberg at 9:21pm Mar 20 '04
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For a number of years now, I have been listening to "computer heavyweights" saying "Linux this..." and "linux that..." and i must admit I have always wished i could have an alternative to windows. So, I decided to take the plunge!!!! I purchased a computer magazine that had a great article... written by a self confessed windows geek, who tried Linux for the first time. It listed his experiences and problems and seemed to give a very honest view of what it was like "on the other side".The end story to his experience was that he was going to keep linux on his personal pc... he was so happy with its performance.

"Thats it..." i thought, I am switching sides, I am sick to death of windows and really want a change and a bit of a challange as well.

enter [private]s mistake number 1.

Linux is not free? huh? I thought it was a downloadable operating system that I could just get off the net and get about installing. I was sure that I read that part of the idea behind linux was that it was developed by people who were sick and tired of microsofts grip on the computing world... and they wanted to offer an alternative that was free and accessable. (I must have dreamt that I read Now, before you linux users start screaming at me, I realise that people need to get paid for the work they do... and am quite happy to pay for a version.. it was just a misunderstanding, thats all.

So... in my current financial situation, there was little I could do about getting linux over this weekend... so I decided to spend some more time looking into the pro's and con's of Linux... and get ready for my big installation when I get around to purchasing it.

So... off to , that seems like the logical place and sttraight into the "howtos" I can see what I need to do to use this new platform.
introduction to linux... yeah thats where I will start... I feel I have a good grip on computing (under windows) and a bit about hardware...but i will start at the beginning...after all, that is the best place to start!

Here is the first paragraph from the introduction to linux:

1. Introduction to Linux

Linux is a completely free reimplementation of the POSIX specification, with SYSV and BSD extensions (which means it looks like Unix, but does not come from the same source code base), which is available in both source code and binary form. Its copyright is owned by Linus Torvalds and other contributors, and is freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). A copy of the GPL is included with the Linux source; you can also get a copy from

Oh.... so what your saying is....ummmmm posix? sysv? bsd?


Deadset... why the hell do that? why alienate the very people you are trying to attract by making the first line of your introduction incomprehensable to the average Joe? That was it for me... right there and then i lost interest... but i kept reading anyway... just ignoring every thrid word (due to lack of comprehension) and nodding my head and saying... "uh huh..." every now and then to keep my ego thinking i was understanding what I was reading.

Linux is still free as of version 2.0, and will continue to be free. Because of the nature of the GPL to which Linux is subject, it would be illegal for it to be made not free. Note carefully: the `free' part involves access to the source code rather than money; it is perfectly legal to charge money for distributing Linux, so long as you also distribute the source code. This is a generalization; if you want the fine points, read the GPL.

oh cool... so its free...excellent news... oh wait... not "free" as in you dont have to pay for it... but free as in access to the source code...ohhh... now I understand. What you mean to say is..."linux is free...but you have to pay for it ."

Linux runs on 386/486/Pentium machines with ISA, EISA, PCI and VLB busses. MCA (IBM's proprietary bus) is not well-supported in 2.0.x and earlier versions, but support has been added to the current development tree, 2.1.x. If you are interested, see

There is a port to multiple Motorola 680x0 platforms (currently running on some Amigas, Ataris, and VME machines), which now works quite well. It requires a 68020 with an MMU, a 68030, 68040, or a 68060, and also requires an FPU. Networking and X now work. See news:comp.os.linux.m68k

oh, thats ok... I obviously have so far to go before I have the intellect or knowledge to get half way around the introduction...let alone the intallation!!!
little side note..."There is a port to multiple Motorola 680x0 platforms (currently running on some Amigas, Ataris, and VME machines), which now works quite well." Works quite well???... lol. I dont thin have seen that used in a n information sheet before..i guess it was better than saying "that sort of works ok"...haha

Man... linux have a hell of a lot to learn about public relations and attracting people to their format.(which I guess is part of the reason why it is so far behind windows in regard to amount of users. You know what i want? I want an operating system that is easy to use. THIS INCLUDES INSTALLATION! I so much want to try linux... the idea of the format attracts me so much... but, if it is going to make me feel stupid, i am not going to bother. I guess i will have to be happy with being a "good" windows user and put up with all its problems and instabilities.

If anyone here has any ideas or info about linux... or a site that truly helps people wanting to make the switch, I would love to hear from you.
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