Best TV Show of All Time Tournament

Posted by Gregness at 2:18pm May 13 '08
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It's that time again...this time, let's find out what 4K thinks is the BEST TELEVISION SHOW OF ALL TIME!

So first, we'll have the nomination process....

Here's what you need to do

Just PM me your Top 10 shows. (In this case, "favorite" and "best" can be interchangeable if you like) Please order them from 1 to 10, where the first one is your favorite, second is second favorite, and so on. Pick ANY shows you want, whether they are still on, a classic, only on for 2 doesn't matter!

Here's what I am doing, if you were wondering

I will take all the nominations, using the following formula:

Top Favorite - 10 points
Second Favorite - 9 points
Third Favorite - 8 points
10th Favorite - 1 point

I will take the top 16 shows with the most points and then put them in a single elimination tournament(similar to the Hottest Celebrities tournaments from before)

The nomination process goes until 3:00 PM US Eastern Time on Friday, May 23rd (That's a little over 240 1/2 hours from the time of this post)

Any questions? PM, post a reply, carrier pigeon, it doesn't matter! :)

Enjoy! (Or at least pretend to enjoy :P)
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