A new renewable energy leader?

Posted by Kromey at 12:42pm Mar 3 '09
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Oil-rich states are about the last you'd expect to see spearheading clean, renewable energies, aren't they? Well, take another look at Alaska.

Our coffers overfilled like never before with last year's skyrocketing oil prices. Even with an extra $1200 going to everyone receiving the PFD (which as already $2000), the state landed itself a huge surplus.

Now we're using some of that to invest in renewable resources. Our state capital, Juneau, has already been on hydroelectric for years (since before it became frowned upon for doing more harm than good). Now we're putting up wind turbines in remote rural areas to take the burden off the villagers of flying in diesel for generators at $5/gallon (on a good day!).
"Oil used to be cheap and convenient," said Steve Haagenson, who was appointed last year by [Alaska Governor Sarah] Palin as statewide energy coordinator. "Today, it's just convenient."

Advocates of renewable energy here say Alaska, with its windy coasts, untapped rivers and huge tidal and wave resources, could quickly become a national leader. The state already generates 24 percent of its electricity from renewable sources - almost exclusively hydroelectric - and Palin last month announced a goal of 50 percent by 2025.

"Today's current low oil prices should not lull Alaskans into a false sense of security, as if these low prices are going to last," she said.
How much do you pay for electricity? In rural areas of Alaska, due to the high cost of diesel for generators, it's 75 cents/kwh - or more! (Factoring in the fuel adjustment, I pay just over 15 cents/kwh in Fairbanks.)

"According to Roger Bedard of the Electric Power Research Institute, Alaska has more than half the country's ocean-wave energy resources and more than 90 percent of its river-current and tidal resources."

Wind turbines (and probably tidal generators and others) are more expensive up here because of the extreme cold they have to endure, but they are still economically viable.

And let's not forget Chena Hot Springs Resort, a natural hot springs about 60 miles outside of Fairbanks that generates its power using geothermal.
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