
Posted by Kromey at 4:09pm Jun 29 '12
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Let me start off by saying that I believe it's inconceivable (and yes, that words means what I think it means) for there to not be life on other planets in this galaxy, to say nothing of the universe at large.

That said, even if by some miracle they've conquered the laws of physics and achieved interstellar space flight, the odds of them finding little ol' us is inconceivable.

And if they do find us -- are they really going to come here to force a kid to have sex with his grandmother? Really?

Traumatic events can induce false memories, and depending on how the hypnosis was performed (e.g. "Tell us about the aliens that abducted you" versus "Tell us what happened the night before your grandmother died") that could play into and augment them, rather than peel them away to reveal the truth. There's even been cases where people supposedly under hypnosis have invented complete fabrications!

I don't know too much about brain science, but I do know that there are numerous physical and chemical problems that can result in erratic behavior, and many of them can indeed result in a stroke. And I also know that in the cases of deaths where there's no cause to suspect foul play or other circumstances, little more than cursory autopsy is performed, if even that much, and so his grandmother's death may not even have been from a stroke after all, or if it was the root cause of the stroke -- and her erratic behavior just prior to it -- could go undetected.

There's also the possibility that the whole thing is a complete fabrication. We all know there are "scientists" and "investigators" out there all too happy to completely invent bogus stuff in order to further their own agenda -- see e.g. "Dr." Wakefield's bogus MMR/autism "study". We can't discount the possibility that Karla Turner just has a gift for fiction writing and made up this entire event out of thin air.
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