Liar of the year: Obama

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
It was a catchy political pitch and a chance to calm nerves about his dramatic and complicated plan to bring historic change to America's health insurance system. "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."
Posted by Kromey at 4:11pm Dec 13 '13
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More than 4 million Americans have been learning the hard way that Obama flat-out lied to them repeatedly over the last several years, and the administration's response -- telling even bigger lies, such as "FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans." -- has been absolutely shameful.

The most ironic result is to undermine what little moral ground the Democrats had to stand on during the recent government shutdown -- Obama has in effect unilaterally (and illegally!) done exactly what Republicans wanted to do to the law, which was namely to extend for one more year people's options to hold on to their current coverage.

Funny how it's non-negotiable until it's politically expedient for the President to yet again ignore the law and do whatever he pleases.

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