A few things are clear

Posted by Kromey at 2:05pm Nov 7 '12
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The Democratic majority in the Senate is slim, and with many of those seats moderate Democrats and Republican control of the House, Obama's radical ideas -- like a re-introduction of the failed "assault weapons" ban and a handgun ban -- won't gain any traction.

Unfortunately, the SCOTUS is now in danger of being taken over by liberals -- important freedoms like gun rights are already being threatened -- and double-unfortunately Democratic control of the Senate means that Obama and Atty Gen Eric Holder are very unlikely to ever be held accountable for the lives lost and destroyed by Fast and Furious.

It also likely means that Obama will continue the failed drug war unabated, if not ramping it up even further, including within the states that have now fully legalized marijuana.

I don't share your belief that Obamacare is safe -- if people continue to discuss it, and especially when Obama's lies are fully and finally exposed, and the full implementation sees costs rise instead of fall, even the major provisions will still be threatened.
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