
Posted by Kromey at 11:12pm Nov 6 '12
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We got to our polling place, the middle school in our neighborhood. The building has about a dozen doors, and naturally we showed up at the one that, despite having lots of people on the other side of it, had no access to the polling area (basketball gaming tonight apparently), but also no signage saying which door to head to. We had to circle half the school before finding the one door that would let us in to vote (which was also the one door with any kind of signage).

Then we waited in line for about 10-15 minutes (not too bad, really), only to discover that I'm not on the voter roll at my polling place -- most likely because I didn't update my voter registration with my new address until just a few weeks ago, pretty much right on the deadline for doing so. Anyway, ended up having to fill out a "question ballot", so I'm not sure if mine will actually get counted -- I know absentee ballots are only counted if they could make the difference in an election, but I don't know about "question ballots", although either way there's a good chance mine'll get counted, since the State Senate race in my district is very likely to be a close one (both guys are popular and have very strong name recognition).

Also, here we have yet again proof of how broken the damn EC system is -- as I write this, Romney has 50.2% of the popular vote to Obama's 48.5%, yet Obama's leading the EC vote 234 to 190. How can anyone who support democracy think a system that awards the election to the loser isn't broken????
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