The third presidential debate

Posted by Sir Four at 8:58am Oct 23 '12
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Obama won, there's no doubt about it. Romney ended up agreeing with all of O's foreign policy positions after months of attacking him. Romney's main criticism seemed to be that Obama doesn't talk with enough of a blustery "America fuck yeah!" attitude, which makes him weak. The problem for Romney going in is that Obama has been quite successful on foreign policy and has won the trust of the American public--for the first time in a long time, Americans trust Democrats more than Republicans in this area. Running to Obama's right was apparently just too risky.

The topics discussed were terribly narrow, and I blame the moderator. Libya Egypt Syria. Israel. China Israel, Israel Pakistan. Israel. Goddamn it, shut up about Israel. What about Europe, Russia, India, Africa? I give Romney some credit just for mentioning Latin America in an off-hand way.

The highlight of the debate was Obama's response to Romney's "not enough ships in the navy" attack.

"We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them." lol

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