this is sort of how it works in my mind

Posted by 79 at 9:56pm Oct 21 '12
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take person A. A is a US citizen and enjoys quite a number of rights.

one of those rights is enjoyed by the majority, of which he has a part. however, he feels very strongly that the minority which does not have this right should never have it. what's more, he bases his views on his religion.

then he runs for president, and one of his key positions is absolute opposition to the minority gaining a right which he himself enjoys. in spite of the separation of church and state, he is extremely open about the fact that his opposition is based on his religion.

firstly, i find it incredible that a person who calls himself an american feels it necessary to deny a right to a minority which the majority - including himself - enjoys.

secondly, i find it appalling that he wants to legislate his religion.

[for the record, my (official) religion strongly supports giving the minority this right.]

i'm sad and very scared that many of my fellow countrymen feel that this is honorable and even desirable in a president. i'd like someone to honestly tell me that someone like this deserves to be president.
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