How is this not front page news?

Posted by Kromey at 2:04pm Jul 11 '12
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Prepare to be outraged:

There are over 100 abandoned oil wells in the Alaskan wilderness -- the very same wilderness that's so damned precious we can't allow further oil exploration despite the rising prices at the pumps! -- that are uncapped, and many of them are now leaking oil and gas into the surrounding environment. These wells were simply abandoned in 1982, and are now toxic blots surrounded by rotting, dilapidated old buildings and other detritus.

Given the Obama administration's hard line against BP over the Horizon spill in the gulf, wouldn't you expect at least half a though being given to these leaking oil wells?

Maybe not when you realize who's actually responsible for dealing with them:


That's right, these oil wells were drilled by the federal government starting in 1944, and then simply abandoned. Now the same president who so harshly criticized "British Petroleum" over their spill has absolutely nothing to say about the leaking wells he's inherited -- to say nothing of the fact that he's not doing anything to now plug them!

added on 2:07pm Jul 11 '12:
Here's another article presenting the other side -- but it's still not flattering for Mr. Obama...

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