Romney is sending paid hecklers to Obama events

Posted by Sir Four at 9:10am Jun 21 '12
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What the f..?

Romney says that Obama supporters have heckled his events, so he has sent and will continue to send his campaign staffers to heckle. According to CNN, "Romney's team showed up at an Obama speech in Ohio last week and caused a stir by circling the venue and honking." Following this, the DNC and other groups began following the Mitt Romney bus and staging protests over the last few days.

Noting the escalation, Obama advisor David Axelrod tweeted: "Shouting folks down is their tactic, not ours. Let voters hear BOTH candidates & decide." Obama press secretary Ben LaBolt said: "We have sent a strong message to our supporters that this campaign should be an open exchange of ideas, not one where we drown out the other side by heckling and crashing events."

Romney refused to do likewise: "I know America has a long history of heckling and free speech," Romney said jokingly in Tuesday's interview. "It would be very nice if we could reach that kind of conclusion. I'm not sure it's possible for us."

What kind of candidate sends campaign staff to circle around a venue in Ohio honking their horns to cause a disturbance? The same kind who, when in college, held down a gay student to forcibly cut his long hair maybe?
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