Why I would pick Romney over all candidates

Posted by Concerned Californian at 1:09pm Jan 23 '12
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I have been thinking about what I want for the next President. I am unemployed. I am having a difficult time getting a job. The unemployment rates are horrible. The economic outlook is even worse. The way the economy is now is greatly affecting the outlook of my husband's business. The housing market needs to boom again in order to help him. We need jobs so people have money so they can buy things so the economy can boom again. We also are trillions of dollars in debt.

So We the People are now the employer of the next President. As an employer you have candidates seeking the job. Of those candidates, which one has the best resume, experience, education, etc to reach the goal we have in order to get our economy going again?

Romney is a rich guy. He's living off the wealth he's earned. He's created thousands of jobs. He's turned companies into successes. He turned the Olympics around!! If you were going to pick a business partner to turn a business around and make money and be successful, wouldn't Romney be at the top of your list (where the others on the list are Gingrich, Santorum, Paul, and Obama)?

I don't know...when I think of what I want the next President to do, my main concern is the economy and that damn debt. And because that is my main concern, my thinking is the best guy for the job is Romney. The others do not compare.

What say you? Think of yourself as the Employer and these are the job applicants. You own a country that is 15 trillion in debt and in need of jobs and an economy that has to turn around or we go bust. Who would you hire for the job and why?
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