Re: Ron Paul says he wants to end five departments

Posted by Sir Four at 11:22am Jan 6 '12
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"False. Downright strawman, in fact."

It may be false for you, but I believe it is true for many people advocating this position.

"The national power grid is already privately owned."

But also closely regulated, as a matter of national security.

"Has he at any point stated that publicly-funded labs should lose their public funding?"

I don't know if he has, specifically. But to end such funding and let private interests fund (or not) such research seems in line with what Paul routinely talks about.

"Again with the attacks. Yeah, Libertarians are such heartless bastards who don't give a care in the world to the poor. Whatever."

I didn't think I was attacking. That's the actual libertarian position! Would it have been better if I framed it in terms of "theft" and "wealth redistribution"?

added on 11:24am Jan 6 '12:
When I say "matter of national security", I don't just mean in the sense of protecting it from external attacks. I also mean it in the sense that it is a vital part of the national infrastructure, critical to matters of life, economic function, etc.
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